About Us
Where we started and who we are
Question One is proud to have been running thousands of successful trivia events since 2003. Our personalised service is delivered by a family-grown enterprise and its team of professionals. Our mission is to give individuals, clubs, companies, venues, charities, and other organisations the best trivia-inspired entertainment.

Since our very first trivia event presented by our founder at the Harwood Arms in London, our Trivia Hosts have been conducting weekly trivia peaking at over 200 events per week globally. In a single year alone, we’ve written over 3000 questions and hosted over 5000 quiz trivia events for over 150,000 players. Our service now extends online and embraces other fun games like music bingo.

Give him a mic and everything will be all right
As an underperforming actor from Melbourne, Australia, I packed my bags in 2002 and headed to Europe in search of meaning. (A five minute stint on Neighbours is not enough to retire on).
Then in late 2003 I brought together two of my biggest loves, pubs and facts, and formed the Question One Trivia company. Back then most pub trivia was run by a local or the publican. They’d read questions from an old almanac and it was a quiet affair with little distraction. I thought I’d jazz it up a bit and make it into a show. It caught on!
So here we are, many pints and many questions later and I’m still just as enthusiastic about a good fact then ever before. I look forward to seeing you at one of our events very soon!

Head of UK operations
I have been a member of the Question One team for four years now. I began as a humble host, learning tips and tricks from our team of experienced hosts. I had always been drawn to entertaining a crowd. Turning up to my venues and helping engage players and increase weekly numbers drew me further into working behind the scenes with clients.
After three years, I was invited to join the Q1 office, and I haven’t looked back since. Learning more about delivering our events smoothly and hassle-free for our clientele has been great. As Superhost & Events Specialist, I am involved with all aspects of the company, from bookings to accounting. Any problem, I’ll try my best to find a solution, and I love bringing any creative ideas to life along with the rest of the team! Contact us today so I may have the pleasure of helping your event thrive.

Head of Events AU, Quiz Host, Writer and Content Producer
I’m a writer by day and quiz host by night. I joined the Question One team in June 2021 and host the weekly quiz at Miss Moses in Brunswick. Bringing upbeat energy to every occasion, I specialise in engaging and connecting with crowds, providing live entertainment for pubs, organisations and social events. My daily tasks include talent and venue management, business development, marketing initiatives, quiz writing and content creation. When I’m not posting up a storm on social media or out with mates, I’m making art and videos. I’m always here for a LOL and a deep chat and would love to help organise or host your next event.

Chief Quiz Writer, Events Specialist and Host
I’ve loved pub quizzes pretty much as long as I’ve been able to drink in pubs, so it was only natural that one day I’d become a quizmaster myself. I started hosting for Question One not too long before the pandemic hit, so I thought I’d make up for lost time after by infiltrating the heart of the organization! For me a quiz is one of the most fun ways you can spend time with friends old and new. There’s never an awkward lull in the conversation when you’ve got an anagram to solve, and they can lead to debates and disagreements which can simmer for months afterwards – the true bedrock of any friendship. As part of the Q1 team it feels wonderful to be able to facilitate that. Unlike the rest of the team I have not acted since school, but I do try my best to write screenplays.

Operations Supervisor
I have been quizzing with Question One since 2018. I trained as an Actor and have always loved entertaining a crowd. The fact that not only could I fit quizzing in easily around my Acting work, and also have a really enjoyable time hosting, made it a great fit for me! I joined the Events Team in 2021 and am now Operations Supervisor for our UK Team. I love meeting new people and coming up with creative ways to bring ideas to life, so it has been an enjoyable experience working alongside our hosts and venues, doing just that! I help ensure all our events run smoothly each and every day, whilst liaising with venues to continue to create bigger and better events all the time. I love finding ways to help our venues create unique and fun events. I also recruit all our new hosts and get them out quizzing with our venues. Hit me up to get your event off the ground, or if you think you’d make a great addition to our team of hosts!